Today I decided to make something yummy. I'll confess up front it's not as "healthy" as it could be, but I had to use what I had around the house. In the end they were quite delicious and well, yes full of sugar & butter and yumminess that I should never have indulged in but we only live once and it is PUMPKIN! If it's pumpkin, it's okay to indulge. That's the rule. Look it up!
I found a recipe on the Libby's Pumpkin page here... Old Fashioned Soft Pumpkin Cookies
My version is only slightly different. I didn't glaze the cookies at all, instead I sprinkled with Cinnamon Maple Sprinkles. I also didn't use the spices they did, again.. used the GFS Cinnamon Maple Sprinkles. I also used organic pumpkin & organic butter, along with sea salt. Warning.... these are VERY sweet! But they're so good!
Here it is.....
Remove from cookie sheet to cool and sprinkle with the Maple Cinnamon Sprinkles on top, just lightly.
Bake for 15 until edges are firm & browned. Nutritional Information per cookie (from their cookie - adjust to your ingredients)
While I wouldn't suggest making these daily, they're a nice treat for a good cold fall night to snuggle and watch Shrek's Halloween Spooktacular!!!! *(Which is exactly what I'm doing with 2 cookies & a glass of soy milk!)
I found a recipe on the Libby's Pumpkin page here... Old Fashioned Soft Pumpkin Cookies
My version is only slightly different. I didn't glaze the cookies at all, instead I sprinkled with Cinnamon Maple Sprinkles. I also didn't use the spices they did, again.. used the GFS Cinnamon Maple Sprinkles. I also used organic pumpkin & organic butter, along with sea salt. Warning.... these are VERY sweet! But they're so good!
Here it is.....
Old Fashioned Soft Organic Pumpkin Cookies
- 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (you can combine 1/2 and 1/2 wheat flour to white)
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 3 teaspoons Cinnamon Maple Sprinkles (From GFS - Gordon Food Service)
- 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
- 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
- 1/2 cup organic butter (1 stick), softened
- 1 cup Organic Pumpkin
- 1 large egg
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350° F. Grease baking sheet.
Combine ingredients together. Their recipe suggested doing it by splitting the dry/wet ingredients & using a mixer... I simply dumped it all in one big ol' bowl and stirred with a big wooden spoon. I ended using my hands to pull it all together, so if that grosses you out you may want to use a mixer. It is a sticky dough. Drop by rounded tablespoon onto sprayed cookie sheet.
Combine ingredients together. Their recipe suggested doing it by splitting the dry/wet ingredients & using a mixer... I simply dumped it all in one big ol' bowl and stirred with a big wooden spoon. I ended using my hands to pull it all together, so if that grosses you out you may want to use a mixer. It is a sticky dough. Drop by rounded tablespoon onto sprayed cookie sheet.
Remove from cookie sheet to cool and sprinkle with the Maple Cinnamon Sprinkles on top, just lightly.
Bake for 15 until edges are firm & browned.
Yields 36 Cookies
Nutritional Information per cookie (from their cookie - adjust to your ingredients)
Calories 120 Fat 3g Fiber 0.5g
WW Pts. according to their recipe, with a glaze on them is 3pts.
While I wouldn't suggest making these daily, they're a nice treat for a good cold fall night to snuggle and watch Shrek's Halloween Spooktacular!!!! *(Which is exactly what I'm doing with 2 cookies & a glass of soy milk!)End result..... absolutely delicious, very sweet, very soft pumpkin cookies. Honestly, these freeze up well so you can make a whole batch and put them away so you won't eat them all. I made them for a weekend football party we're having so I'm hoping they last that long... we both keep stopping by the plate and stealing one! LOL Again, while it's not the most healthy recipe I've shared I honestly feel you have to create "goodies" once in a while to enjoy. These are well worth sharing and making but be sure you can either limit yourself with sweets (they're very sweet) or freeze them immediately (preferably in a freezer in the basement to deter you from just grabbing one to eat out of the freezer!)
Wish me luck on my journey to "eating clean" and healthy!
And please feel free to comment and share ideas for trying to live and eat "clean" and losing weight by changing to a healthy lifestyle!
And please feel free to comment and share ideas for trying to live and eat "clean" and losing weight by changing to a healthy lifestyle!
Check out The Trampolines King Website for tons of FREE information & guidance in purchasing this wonderful piece of equipment that is affordable and helps burn TONS of calories (not to mention tons 'o fun)!
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Who Else Helps me get healthy?
These are just a few of the people online that inspire me....

Check out the Fab Fatties - tons of ideas, comic relief & great give-aways!
2. Joe Gigantino - Fitness Trainer
This is the guy that really set me on the path to physical fitness - Sign up for his FREE newsletter!

4. BWJEN - Another WW Buddy & A 'bookworm' too!?



6.Sean Anderson the formerly 500lb man!
Diary of A Winning Loser - Sean is an inspiration to anyone trying to get healthy!

*Note I am not affiliated nor endorsed by Weight Watchers® at all, in any way. I highly recommend their program and cannot say enough GOOD about it, but I also have decided that they were my "stepping stone" to making a change in my lifestyle. Any mention of Weight Watchers®, their program or their term of "points®" does not mean they have approved, seen, or endorsed anything on my blogs.
Also, if at any time Points® are mentioned it is always with the assumption that you will analyze the recipes, foods, ingredients and figure the points out specifically for your consumption of any product, as ingredients may vary by brand, size, etc. and Points® is a registered trademark of the Weight Watchers® company.