Using Sensa - Week One
(Beginning September 22, 2009)
While I am blogging the actual information as I go along, I am not releasing anything until I've completed at least a substantial part of the Sensa program. There will be very little as far as "recommendations" until after my "results" are in on this new product. Sensa contacted me in late August asking me if I'd be interested in their product & blogging about it. I'm always interested in new ways to help my weight loss along but only if it's a product that I feel is truly safe & has the common sense factor to be legitimately effective.Sensa directed me to their site, but I still didn't seem to have quite enough information to say I'd DEFINITELY start using their product. I quickly told their marketing department that I would NOT use the product if I found it to be something I didn't believe in, or it was completely un-natural and full of stimulants, etc. or anything that seemed like simply hype. They were very respectful of that decision, a plus on their part for me as I don't "sell" things that I don't believe in. I also explained that I would not lie about my results, my thoughts on the product or how the product worked for me. Again, Sensa was very courteous about accepting my limitations. This alone is a sign of a reputable company that is selling a product they believe in & stand behind.
I must interject at this point I have been using a product from US Nutrition LLC called AssistU which has the same basic ideas behind the product (creating a feeling of satiety) but comes in a completely natural supplement, single dose, pill form. What I love about the AssistU is that it not only gives me the satiety, but the herbs/supplements used also make my metabolism kick up a notch... bringing me from an original weight loss average of between 0.6 to 1.2 lbs a week to an average of about 2.6 to 3.2 lbs. per week!
I have had amazing results using the product & some other supplements recommended by my "Healthy Chick" friend, Yvette and I am definitely staying on AssistU while trying the Sensa. I believe, from what I've read & known about both products that they have the same basic idea of creating satiety to make one feel satisfied enough to not overindulge; while suggesting the obvious that "you cannot lose weight without changing lifestyle". Using both products will help my olfactory senses (with the Sensa) while also enhancing my metabolism (with AssistU) using natural products & innovative ideas. The combination of these two products together, to me, seems to be a win-win situation. I hope I'm right! In either case, I know that AssistU has provided me with a metabolism that has brought my Weight Watchers® lifestyle to a whole new level & I will have that to help me maintain once I achieve goal. I'm hoping that the Sensa can do the same for me! So I'm taking you on this journey too......
Quick explanation of Sensa, you sprinkle it on your food (not on or in any liquids). The idea behind it is to sprinkle "Salty" or "Sweet" side of the pack onto the appropriate foods. The tough part is knowing "how much" is "correct". Once the Sensa is on your food, it is supposed to feel satiated via your sense of "smell", when the crystals/powder hits your palette - telling your brain you're content & full or technically that you are satiated.
In the words of the company themselves:
The Sensa Weight-Loss System addresses this problem of our evolutionary past by using the human senses of taste and smell to help us gain greater satisfaction from a smaller amount of food. The scientific principle behind Sensa is remarkably simple. You may recall learning in biology class that smell and taste are connected. As you eat, the two senses work together to stimulate an area of the brain called the “satiety center,” which tells your body when it’s time to stop eating. By enhancing smell (sensory input), Sensa Tastants help to enable the brain-stomach connection and trigger the "feel full" signal. When you first start on the Sensa program, the Tastants do all the work. Over time, you will begin to intuitively understand portion control and develop healthier eating habits, without having to give up any of your favorite foods.
Sensa - day 1
(September 22, 2009)
So my first day using Sensa went something like this:No breakfast (0), have been a little "under the weather" so I didn't use the Sensa until lunch .
Early Lunch (5): I toasted an Arnold's Sandwich Thin with a 1/2 slice of reduced fat cheddar, topped with medium salsa. Total points 3. I nuked an apple with 1 Tablespoon of fat free caramel dip for an amazingly awesome dessert that came in at 2 pts. Total for lunch 5 pts. Keeping in my Weight Watchers® style with points® calculations, adding the Sensa on top of each item.
Mid Afternoon Meal (5): 1/2 Cup of my homemade chicken noodle soup (2pts) with an Arnold's Sandwich thin & Roasted Turkey & a slice of laughing cow cheese. (3pts) for a total of 5 pts. on th is meal. Again, Sensa sprinkled on top.
After Gym Meal (15): Red Alert! Ended up at Wendy's and had a Bacon Cheeseburger (7.5pts), Large unsweetened Iced Tea, (0 pts) and small chocolate frosty (7.5 pts) for a total of 15 pts. (This was probably not one of my best decisions & made me question how well the "satiation" idea was working with the Sensa as I had made sure I put ample amounts on my Mid Afternoon meal, knowing that generally after my gym workout I'm famished. Was hoping the Sensa would keep this from happening, it didn't. Unfortunately I didn't have any "bars" left that I generally grab to fulfill my need either so I stopped at the closest place, got the 2 cheapie things (99 cent menu) and went from there. I did however sprinkle the Sensa on the burger and the Frosty.
Late night snack (4): 2 oz. lean steak, grilled & fat trimmed rolled in a 1pt. tortilla. I was craving some protein & definitely needed this!
Day One began with already at a weight loss of 65.2 lbs, hoping the Sensa will make the losses better & easier.
No Sensa on the late night snack. I was a bit disgusted at this point with even putting the Sensa on. Hopefully tomorrow I will see the Sensa take affect. At this point, I'm thinking it should take affect immediately, making a change using the senses should be something immediate (no?). Perhaps I'm wrong and expectations are too high. I do know that with the AssistU I felt the difference first day, as did my daughter. The sati ety was there and the metabolism was definitely working. I felt full, both physically and mentally with the AssistU and was expecting the same with Sensa.
We shall see with Day 2!
Total points® used 29 pts used of the 29 allotted - still on program but not thrilled with my after workout decision - but not bad as I'm still on track and used the right amount of "points®"
Consensus on Sensa: for today's use of Sensa. Really no effect seen, but it is the first day and I'm not exactly sure WHAT I'm looking for either. We'll say "Jury Still Out".
Sensa - day 2
(September 23, 2009)
Breakfast (5), my all time "fave" for breakfast - Naked Juice (5 pts). Sensa cannot be used in liquids so I didn't use the Sensa until lunch .Early Lunch (5): Grilled chicken breast on a regular bun, with lettuce total 5 pts. (Forgot to put the Sensa on it this time) I made 2 of these so I could have one later as a quick grab after the gym. This is a much better choice than day 1's idea of "after the gym" dining! LOL
After Gym "meal" (5): Grilled chicken breast on a regular bun, with lettuce total 5 pts. - Used the Sensa (didn't really feel much difference, not overly full, not overly hungry)
Dinner (10): Buffalo Chicken Salad (grilled chicken (3 pts) with hot sauce, french fries (5 pts), over a bed of lettuce, shredded cheddar (2 pts) & FF Dressing. - Used Sensa & while dinner was eaten at about 6:30pm or so, it did keep me through the night. This is highly unusual, so it could be a sign that the Sensa is starting to take over or that I'm figuring out how much to use!
Total points® used 25 of 29 allotted.
Consensus on Sensa: The dinner use of Sensa did seem to give me the satiated feeling. We have to keep in mind that "satiated" is not "FULL" necessarily, but satisfied & keeps one from craving. I do believe that the evening meal did just this. Could be a good sign.
Sensa - day 3
(September 24, 2009)
No Breakfast ,unfortunately I didn't feel like eating first thing in the morning but went straight to the gym after dropping my son off at school. No food eaten for breakfast so I didn't use the Sensa until lunch .Lunch (after gym) (5): 98% FF Roasted Turkey on a tomato basil wrap, w/lettuce & banana peppers (5 pts). - Used Sensa - I must be figuring out the amount needed at this point because I had a banana to go with my lunch but forewent eating it because I was more than content. Definitely feeling satiated with this simple and minimal lunch. This is a real surprise because
Snack (4): Stella D'Oro 100 Calorie "Breakfast Bites" - chocolate (2) & a banana (2) - did not use Sensa (although I could have technically sprinkled it on my banana it just wasn't an appealing idea to me)
Dinner (5): 2 Johnsonville Smoked Turkey Cheddar Brots (4 pts) each rolled in 1/2 Light Flat Out Bread (1) - Used Sensa & was very full & content by about 1/2 to 3/4 of the 2nd brot. Again, I believe I've figured out how much of the Sensa to use. Feeling very full & content, aka "satiated"!
Snack (6.5): 1/2 of a Small DQ Thin Mint Blizzard 6.5 pts - Ice Cream Craving (this is so very normal for me) but not only did I limit my intake I seriously didn't want it all. Now that is so NOT normal for me! GO SENSA! LOL
Total points used 20.5 of 29 allotted.
Consensus on Sensa: Both the lunch & dinner use of Sensa did seem to give me the satiated feeling. I was very content with minimal amounts of food.
Sensa - day 4
(Friday, September 25, 2009)
Breakfast (5): Naked Juice Cannot use Sensa on liquids so I didn't use the Sensa until lunch .Lunch (after gym) (5): 98% FF Roasted Turkey on a tomato basil wrap, w/lettuce & banana peppers (5 pts). - Used Sensa - I must be figuring out the amount needed at this poin t becaus e I had a banana to go with my lunch but forewent eating it because I was more than content. Definitely feeling satiated with this simple and minimal lunch. This is a real surprise because
Snack (4): Stella D'Oro 100 Calorie "Breakfast Bites" - chocolate (2) & a banana (2) - did not use Sensa (although I could have technically sprinkled it on my banana it just wasn't an appealing idea to me)
Dinner (5): 2 Johnsonville Smoked Turkey Cheddar Brots (4 pts) each rolled in 1/2 Light Flat Out Bread (1) - Used Sensa & was very full & content by about 1/2 to 3/4 of the 2nd brot. Again, I believe I've figured out how much of the Sensa to use. Feeling very full & content, aka "satiated"!
Snack (6.5): 1/2 of a Small DQ Thin Mint Blizzard 6.5 pts - Ice Cream Craving (this is so very normal for me) but not only did I limit my intake I seriously didn't want it all. Now that is so NOT normal for me! GO SENSA! LOL
Total points used 20.5 of 29 allotted.
Consensus on Sensa: Both the lunch & dinner use of Sensa did seem to give me the satiated feeling. I was very content with minimal amounts of food.
I won't bore you with a continuous day by day update of what I've eaten & how the Sensa was used. I will say that I have days where it seems to make a difference and days where it doesn't.
The biggest issue I'm seeing thus far is knowing if you "sprinkled enough" on your serving of food... and I think this is the cause of some times it "works" obviously, while others it's not so obvious.
Consensus, thus far, of the product: Worth trying if you have the extra money to put out but the inconsistency of the product working aggrevates me. I think everyone is different & everyone's end result is going to be different. For some I think it could work alone, for others I think it's an extra "aid" with other things (such as the AssistU like I did). It is NOT a miracle pill.. or "sprinkle" in this case.. and if that's what you're looking for it's not going to happen. I think there is some definite common sense, reasoning and working ideas behind the product & it's use.
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These are just a few of the people online that inspire me....

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2. Joe Gigantino - Fitness Trainer
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6.Sean Anderson the formerly 500lb man!
Diary of A Winning Loser

*Note I am not affiliated nor endorsed by Weight Watchers® at all, in any way. I highly recommend their program and cannot say enough GOOD about it, but I also have decided that they were my "stepping stone" to making a change in my lifestyle. Any mention of Weight Watchers®, their program or their term of "points®" does not mean they have approved, seen, or endorsed anything on my blogs.
Also, if at any time Points® are mentioned it is always with the assumption that you will analyze the recipes, foods, ingredients and figure the points out specifically for your consumption of any product, as ingredients may vary by brand, size, etc.